Electronic Recording Council - Wisconsin
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Resources helpful to the Electronic Recording Council and its business partners:

Wis. 2005 Act 421

Wisconsin Register of Deeds Association (WRDA)

Property Records Industry Association - Home | Property Records Industry Association (pria.us)

Technology Standards and Supporting Documentation From PRIA Website:

  • Portals White Paper
    Author: Business Requirement Work Group

    This paper is intended to reach an audience that includes Recorders, Submitters, and those aspiring to create an eRecording portal. This paper will cover a variety of topics including desirable characteristics for not only the private eRecording portals, but the intergovernmental eRecording portals, as well as various structures for eRecording portals themselves.

  • Models of eRecording - A Continuum of eRecording
    Author: PRIA Technology Committee Business Requirements Work Group

    The evolution from three models of eRecording to a continuum of models.

URPERA  The National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws (NCCUSL), which also created the model Uniform Commercial Code enacted by every state, drafted and approved in 2004 the Uniform Property Electronic Recording Act.  Real Property Electronic Recording Act - Uniform Law Commission (uniformlaws.org)

UETA  The Uniform Electronic Transactions Act was enacted in Wisconsin in 2004. Electronic Transactions Act - Uniform Law Commission (uniformlaws.org)

Electronic Signature in Global and National Commerce Act  - E-Sign